Delay for certified software usage
We have recently communicated on the e-invoicing landscape in Spain following some traction relating to the same in the country- which impacts both the invoice content itself, as well as Business-to-Business (B2B) transactions specifically. Spain has now announced that the creation of the legal artefact in Spain via certified software- also referred to as verifiable invoicing systems (VERI*FACTU) and used for the creation and submission of invoices- will now be delayed to 1 July 2024. The date was moved following a public consultation. From 1st July 2024 there will also be voluntary submission of invoices to the Agencia Tributaria- sistemas y programos informaticos o electronicos (SIF). The proposed rules only apply to resident businesses. The proposed e-invoicing mandate in Spain is ambitious, with several complexities. Tungsten Network is closely monitoring the e-invoicing curvature in Spain and assessing our position regarding the certified billing software once more detailed information around the same is available.