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country-icon Roumanie


Proposed new VAT rate

Romania has had a busy 2022, with its implementation of a partial e-invoicing mandate for high-risk fiscal products. With concrete plans for a universal B2B e-invoicing mandate yet to be defined (and likely hindered somewhat by the VAT in the Digital Age (ViDA) proposal), the country is also turning its attention to VAT rates in the country.   The Romanian Senate is pondering a new 9% reduced rate for food and beverages.   The new proposed 9% VAT rate would exclude the following: 
  • alcoholic beverages 
  • specific non-alcoholic beverages falling under CN codes 2202 10 00 and 2202 99. 
The proposal for the new VAT rate was registered for debate at the Romanian Senate in June 2023.   Romania is a complaint territory for Kofax and we will incorporate all valid VAT rates as part of our e-invoicing solution. We are closely monitoring developments around the new proposed rate and will support it if confirmed.  

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