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Changes to procedure for use of RO e-Invoice

Through Minister of Finance (OMF) Order no. 1667/2022, some changes were made to the procedure for using and operating the national RO e-Invoice electronic invoice system, as well as the receipt and downloading of the electronic invoice by recipients in a B2G environment. OMF no. 1667/2022 has introduced the following modifications:
  • The recipients of electronic invoices issued in B2G relationships must receive and download e-invoices by accessing the electronic invoice section available in the virtual private space (SPV) on the ANAF portal. The contracting authorities and entities access the system through the ‘Single Access Point’ on the Ministry of Finance' website through the ForExeBug national reporting system, section ‘View reports’ ‘Electronic invoices’
  • Any taxpayer registered as a user in the SPV or with the role of viewing reports in the ForExeBug national reporting system can receive and download e-invoices in the B2G environment
  • For correcting electronic invoices issued in the B2G environment, and where the recipient has objections, the recipient will notify the issuer of the electronic invoice, including through the Electronic Invoice section available in the SPV or through the ForExeBug national reporting system.
For B2B e-invoicing in Romania, please refer to our most recent update here.

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