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Reduction of VAT on purchase of bicycles

Increasingly, we are seeing countries advance environmental and health agendas via the deployment of fiscal measures. Such tax measures, ubiquitous in 2022, are expected to be equally commonplace in 2023, as awareness of ecological and related matters increases.     Via its 2023 State Budget, Portugal is introducing a reduction in VAT on the purchase of bicycles. In doing so, Portugal becomes the first EU country to enact such a measure. From 1 January 2023, this will be set at the lowest VAT rate possible in Portugal, at 6%.     Tungsten supports all valid VAT rates in Portugal as part of its solution, including the 6% rate. We are also conscious of the countries intrinsically linking further societal agendas which extend beyond the economy in their tax agendas, and we are investigating how we can integrate these as part of our solution.    

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