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KSeF and VAT groups

We have recently communicated about VAT groups in Poland. Poland permits the formation of VAT groups. These are advantageous for many reasons- one such reason being that transactions between members of the same VAT group are not subject to VAT. Moreover, VAT groups have the added benefit of less VAT-related administrative obligations for members within the group. The designated representative of the group is typically assigned responsibility for these commitments.     Poland has established a draft law which considers VAT groups much more sharply in light of the upcoming Polish e-invoicing mandate. Much in the same way as a member of a VAT group is afforded responsibility to carry out other VAT-related obligations, a similar process will be conferred on a designated representative of a VAT group, which allows certain members rights to manage the B2B e-invoicing platform, the KSEF.     Tungsten will follow the publication of the draft law.  

Schedule a Free Consultation

Let us show you how we can support your business to send 100% compliant e-invoices in 54 countries. Please provide your details and one of our team will be in touch.

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