Draft Resolution Introduces Changes to the Guía de Remisión Electrónica (E-transport Document)
A Peruvian draft resolution has made changes to the guÖas de remisión electronica (GRE). The draft resolution should further regulate the issuance of the e- transport document. Regarding a high-level overview of the changes:
- The GRE can no longer be issued from SEE-OSE (Sistema de Emisión Operador de Servicios Electrónicos), but should exclusively be issued through the taxpayer’s invoice issuance system (SEE del contribuyente) or the Sunat Portal (SEE-SOL).
- A QR code can be used electronically or on paper as one of the support forms for the transport of goods.
- A new e-transport document has been introduced (the guÖa de remisión por evento), which has to be issued through the Sunat Portal.