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country-icon Mexique


Tool for validation of electronic invoice data

The Mexican government has imposed some further requirements regarding the mandatory tax data required on the CFDI 4.0. In addition to the introduction of the CFDI 4.0, which now becomes mandatory as of 1st January 2023 (see update above), the following tax data of the CFDI’s recipient will also be mandatory. This data must also be updated and matched with the information on the Mexican Tax Authorities’ database:
  • Mexican tax Id (RFC)
  • Legal name
  • Tax regime
  • Zip code
Consequently, businesses will need to collect the form ‘Constancia de Situacion Fiscal’ (proof of tax situation) from the CFDI recipients.

Tungsten Network is analysing the requirements for the new mandatory tax data in the CFDI 4.0 and is working on a solution to ensure these are integrated into our service offering to our customers.

Schedule a Free Consultation

Let us show you how we can support your business to send 100% compliant e-invoices in 54 countries. Please provide your details and one of our team will be in touch.

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