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country-icon Luxembourg


B2G mandatory e-invoicing

Luxembourg is following the lead of e-invoicing developments in neighbouring countries Belgium and the Netherlands, by mandating B2G e-invoicing in the country. E-invoicing is projected to take place in a phased implementation in line with the following timeframes:
  • 18 May 2022: Large companies in Luxembourg will be required to send e-invoices to the public authorities
  • 18 October 2022: medium-sized taxpayers will follow suit
  • 15 March 2023: small and new businesses will complete the transition to e-invoicing
Luxembourg will follow the path of many European countries by using the PEPPOL Network for B2G e-invoicing. This means that invoices will be converted into the standard PEPPOL BIS 3.0 format and transferred through the PEPPOL channel (AS4). It will also require companies to be connected to a PEPPOL Access Point, to facilitate connection with other participants on the PEPPOL Network. The move to e-invoicing will provide greater automation of the e-invoicing process, leading to reduced errors and cost-saving. Tungsten Network is compliant in Luxembourg and will follow e-invoicing developments in the country.

Schedule a Free Consultation

Let us show you how we can support your business to send 100% compliant e-invoices in 54 countries. Please provide your details and one of our team will be in touch.

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