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country-icon Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


ZATCA releases user manual for Fatoora portal user manual - Version 2

ZATCA has published a user manual for accessing the Fatoora Portal to onboard taxpayers' E-invoicing Generation Solution (EGS) units. The user manual provides information on the following:
  • Accessing Fatoora portal through the Taxpayer credentials to generate the OTP (one time password) as part of EGS onboarding process.  
  • Generation of OTP for the renewal of the existing cryptographic stamp identifier (CSID).
  •  Viewing the list of onboarded solutions and devices along with option to revoke an existing EGS units.
  •  E-invoicing statistics which provides a summary of the statistics in relation to the submitted documents in the past 12 months along with their respective status.
  • API Documentation link that can be used to access the ZATCA developer portal.
You can access the English version of the guide on the ZATCA website:

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