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country-icon Grèce


Updated myDATA e-book for reporting obligations

The myDATA platform is the mandatory system whereby businesses must maintain financial records in a digital format, as well as the medium for businesses issuing electronic invoices.

The Greek myDATA e-book has been updated for taxpayers that report data via ERPs only. The update contains extensions to the reporting obligations for taxpayers who report via ERPs.

The obligation to submit the invoicing and bookkeeping data via the ERP API to the myDATA portal has been postponed to 1 April 2024. Furthermore, the reporting timeline for continuous submissions has been extended from 1 day to 2 days.

Finally, the latest version 1.07 of 'myDATA' has been released, which brings significant enhancements to electronic data management. Significant additions include the integration of coded text alongside the existing 'MARK', enabling business programs to generate QR codes.

You can read more about Greece on Kofax’s dedicated country page here.

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