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Estonia – miscellaneous VAT rate changes

European Union (EU) Directives typically provide a basis for Member States to absorb EU legislation into their own national legislative frameworks. It is customary practice for Member States to adopt EU law into their own domestic legislation. However, major international incidences such as the pandemic will have exposed the varying needs of each Member State as they encountered unique and exclusive challenges. The EU will have been keenly aware that a single legislative order may not accommodate the fluctuating needs of every Member State.   An EU Directive, published in the EU Official Journal in April 2022, afforded Member States with increased flexibility to set their own VAT rates, despite some broad restrictions still enduring. Consequently, we can expect VAT rate changes to be ubiquitous in 2023 and beyond.  Following the path of Suisse and the République tchèque, who are in the process of amending VAT rates as part of a major fiscal overhaul in their respective countries, Estonia is the latest country to announce a VAT rate change in the country.   On 12 June 2023, the coalition government approved the following VAT rates: 
  • 1 January 2024: Standard rate increase from 20% to 22%  
  • 1 January 2025: Reduced accommodation VAT rate increase from 9% to 13%  
  • 1 January 2025: VAT rate increase for press publications from 5% to 9% 
The bill incorporating the new VAT rates was approved on 19 June 2023.   Estonia is a compliant territory for Kofax and we will support the VAT rate changes as part of our e-invoicing solution for both Web Form and Integrated Solution Suppliers.   Our portal solution will include the new VAT rates in readiness for 1 January 2024 / 2025 as required. We will be in touch with impacted Integration Solution suppliers to manage accommodation of the new VAT rates. 

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Let us show you how we can support your business to send 100% compliant e-invoices in 54 countries. Please provide your details and one of our team will be in touch.

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