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Enhancing Value with Copilot for Insights in TotalAgility

Hear from Diana Bald, President & Chief Operating Officer, Dean Cirielli, VP of Engineering, and Daniel Hoyos, Machine Learning Technology Lead at Blue Orange Digital on how partnering with Tungsten to create innovative solutions via Generative AI empowers employees to do more. Learn the value Copilot for Insights in TotalAgility creates for customers and partners in the Tungsten Marketplace.


"The value that clients are getting from the Copilot for Insights in TotalAgility is speed and efficiency. They are able to get answers to their questions right away and they can trust it because they know where in the document the information was pulled from."
Diana Bald
President and Chief Operating Officer, Blue Orange Digital

Meet Blue Orange Digital

We are a data transformation and cloud infrastructure agency specializing in helping businesses to implement data-driven analytic techniques. Blue Orange Digital team members are passionate Data Engineers, Data Scientists, PhDs, and Visualization experts who put client goals first to provide industry-leading solutions.

Blue Orange Digital


TotalAgility, Tungsten Marketplace

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